ISSN: 2265-6294

The Impact of the COVID-19 Crisis on Tourism in Jazan, Saudi Arabia

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Ahmad Alshuqaiqi ,Shida Irwana Omar


The COVID-19 pandemic has affected virtually every major economic sector, especially those in which interactions among humans are essential. One of such sectors is tourism. In response to the new pandemic situation, governments around the world have taken new measures for protecting the general public from the spread of the virus. Saudi Arabia is one of the countries that have been significantly affected by the pandemic situation. The Saudi tourism sector has been markedly affected. One of the prominent tourism destinations in Saudi Arabia is the Jazan region. The advent of the COVID-19 pandemic crisis has left a negative impact on tourism activity in Jazan and in Saudi Arabia as a whole. The main goal of the present paper is to investigate the impact of the COVID-19 crisis on tourism in Jazan, Saudi Arabia. This paper adopts the literature review research methodology, which involves reviewing literature and resources that are relevant to the paper's main topic. Literature and resources reviewed in the paper include relevant articles, theses, documents and information published by competent authorities in Saudi Arabia, and relevant news articles published online. The present paper is of both theoretical and practical significance. The theoretical significance of the paper stems from that it addresses a contemporary and timely issue that affects several parties, including the Saudi government, people working in the tourism industry in Jazan, and domestic and international tourists in Saudi Arabia. The research topic is also a novel one that has not received adequate attention in research, and thus the present research represent a contribution to fill the research gap in that regard. Moreover, the paper aims to present a number of suggestions for further research on the impact of the COVID-19 on the Saudi tourism industry. With regards to the practical significance of the study, it stems from that it may provide competent authorities and policymakers in Saudi Arabia with practical suggestions for improving the state of the Saudi tourism industry, while maintaining the protection of public health in the country.

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