ISSN: 2265-6294

The Role of the Pamong Praja Police Unit in Enforcement of Health Protocol Discipline Regulations Covid-19 in the Community of Bandung City

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Bambang Sucipto,Hafid Ramdhani,Kurnia Wiarawan


Efforts made by the Government in preventing and also spreading the Covid-19 virus pandemic outbreak, in the area, especially in the people of Bandung City, cannot be separated from the work of a government unit in this case is the Civil Service Police Unit (SATPOL PP). This illustrates that the work unit of the Civil Service Police Unit is a work unit that is very much needed in participating in carrying out tasks and functions in local government. Meanwhile, the Bandung City Government with regard to the implementation of public order enforcement and enforcement of regulations regarding the discipline of the Covid-19 virus health protocol has played an active role in carrying out its authorities, duties and obligations. For this reason, the problems that exist in the Civil Service Police Unit are deemed necessary to be raised in this survey, namely: 1) What is the role of SATPOL PP as a discipline enforcer for the Covid-19 virus health protocol in the general public of Badung City 2) What are the obstacles to Satpol PP The City of Bandung in carrying out its duties as a discipline enforcer of the Covid-19 health protocol in the general public of the City of Bandung.

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