ISSN: 2265-6294

Transfer of Absentee Land to Maximize the Benefits of Agricultural Land in Toroh Grobogan, Central Java, Indonesia: A Legal Perspective

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Imron Chumaidi,Afif Noor,Liliana Tedjosaputro,Yulies Tiena Masriani,Dwi Wulandari,Ali Maskur


The people of Toroh Grobogan live mainly by working in the fields and rice fields, which usually belong to them. However, there are also farmers working in rice fields whose owners are far from the location of the land or outside the Toroh Grobogan District. So they can't master their fields or land. Juridically, the method of ownership and cultivation of the land is prohibited according to Government Regulation Article 3 Paragraph (1) Number 224 of 1961 concerning the Implementation of Land Division and Compensation, because farmers who live outside the district where the land is located, within six months, must transfer their land rights to other people in the area where the land is located. The method used in this study was qualitatively descriptive, with research samples taken through snowball sampling and internal sampling. The discussion results showed that the implementation of the transfer of absentee land rights in Toroh Grobogan was by the provisions of the legislation, namely government Regulation 224 of 1961.

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