ISSN: 2265-6294

Virtual Companion: Expert System to Improve Post-Pandemic Emotional Stability in Students, Peru

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Mg. Julissa Elizabeth Reyna González,Mg. César Wilfredo Rosas Echevarria,Mg. Jessica Ericka Vicuña Villacorta,Mg.Gladys Montalico Ruiz,Sst. Iarov Oscategui Velásquez


Emotional stability has become an internal struggle that we all have, and also a very important factor in the development of learning. Emotional stability comes from the inner spirit that we have and we can only acquire it in two places, which is the family and friends or external people, since this factor is forged with self-esteem and self-confidence, in the course of time, it has been observed how students have various problems, and largely influences their academic performance or in the development of the tasks designated by teachers as well as in household chores, this leads to social isolation, which leads to lack of self-confidence and therefore causing instability in their emotions. Dialogue is a very important means by which we find answers to our doubts and comfort to loneliness, we are aware that being alone for a while helps us to know ourselves, but if not, we can sink into depression, stress or anxiety that could have many consequences. (Porras Jimenez, 2020) is why in the face of social isolation this has worsened, affecting their academic performance, as well as their personal life. In the face of all adversities, the world continues to advance, technology evolves day by day, (Castillo Saenz & Montoya Bello, 2021) artificial intelligence can become an essential use for selection processes. On the other hand remote symptom tracking and monitoring can be systematized, as institutions and professionals generate new, service delivery and technological advances continue to emerge, such as the case of the collaboration between Google X and Biogen collaborating with sensors and data analysis and the dreamMS project in Switzerland, which involves the identification of digital biomarkers for multiple sclerosis using smartphones (Khannan & Jones, 2021).

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