ISSN: 2265-6294

Independent Registration Exam Question Item Analysis for the State Islamic Higher Education New Students

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Sahlan, Luluk Mauli Diana, Asnawan


This study aims to analyze the quality of the registration exam questions for new students at the State Islamic University of Kiai Haji Achmad Siddiq (UIN KHAS) Jember. This research approach is descriptive quantitative evaluative involving 300 prospective new students. Data analysis item of this question utilizes the Anates application program. The results show that the first of 87 questions have 76 items (87%) in the difficult category, 11 items (13%) in the medium category, and 0% in the easy category; second, from the 87 item questions, they contain 12.5% with very bad discriminating power, 63% bad, 21% sufficient, 0% good and very good; third, the alternative answers as distractors functioned well, but there were 6 question items whose distractors were less effective. It can be concluded that the items compilation are in a poor quality, therefore the revisions are needed if the items tend to be reused, while questions with good categories can be archived in the registration exam question bank.

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