ISSN: 2265-6294

    Research Article

  1. A Comparative Study of Translation of Phraseological Units from Russian to English and Spanish
    Nuriya Rustemovna DavitovaLiliia Gumarovna Gazizova,Liliya Gaffarovna Dunyasheva
    2022; Volume -12 , Issue -3 : Page: 1-8

  2. An experimental study of the modeling of phraseological units based on public discourse in Russian and English
    Igor O. Gurianov,Karina A. Bashkirova, Diana N. Davletbaeva, Marina G. Bakhtiozina, Khalida Nurislamovna Galimova
    2022; Volume -12 , Issue -3 : Page: 9-16

  3. Analysis of Influence Factors of Carbon Emissions during the Process of Urbanization -- Based on STIRPAT Model and Spatial Dobbin Model
    Jingjing Zhang, Tzu-Chia Chen
    2022; Volume -12 , Issue -3 : Page: 17-30

  4. Architectonics of Urban Space and Urban Citizenship of Persons with Disabilities
    Irina Terenteva, Elena Mirzaeva, Maria Karelina Yu, Gulsina Grevtseva
    2022; Volume -12 , Issue -3 : Page: 31-40

  5. The Effect of The Adabta Method on Students’ Basic Literacy Skills at Madrasyah Ibtidaiyah
    2022; Volume -12 , Issue -3 : Page: 41-48

  6. An assistive technology to enhance conjecturing abilities of slow learners: a mobile application design
    Sutarto,Intan Dwi Hastuti,Adam Bachtiar Maulachela,Raden Fanny Printi Ardi
    2022; Volume -12 , Issue -3 : Page: 49-58

  7. Attainment of the Absolute as a Way of Human Being
    Nataliia Olegovna Khazieva,Aklim Khatypovich Khaziev,Anastasia Alexandrovna Blagoveshchenskaya,Zulfiya Zaytunovna Ibragimova,Fanil Fagimovich Serebryakov
    2022; Volume -12 , Issue -3 : Page: 59-66

  8. Autobiographic Narrative of Modern Women Prose: Theoretical Aspect
    Anton Sergeevich Afanasev,Tatyana Nikolaevna Breeva,Jury Viktorovich Domansky
    2022; Volume -12 , Issue -3 : Page: 67-74

  9. Blogs of Сivil Servants of the Republic of Tatarstan in Social Networks
    Tatiana Konstantinovna Ivanova,Natalia Valerjeva Arzhantseva,Akhmadieva Rosa Shaikhaidarovna
    2022; Volume -12 , Issue -3 : Page: 75-87

  10. Borrowings in French and English Construction Discourse: Comparative Aspect
    Marina Sergeevna Lukina,Dina Zyavdatovna Gaynutdinova
    2022; Volume -12 , Issue -3 : Page: 88-94

  11. Certain Aspects of the Use of Grammatical Forms in the Language of the Almanac "Mir’at" as A Result of Language Contacts (on the Example of Pronouns)
    Luiza Mikhailovna Galyautdinova,Venera Ilmirova Basharan
    2022; Volume -12 , Issue -3 : Page: 95-98

  12. Chinese and Russian media coverage of the Black Lives Matter Movement
    Leisan Rinatovna Khaidarova,Evgeniya Nikolaevna Kulikova
    2022; Volume -12 , Issue -3 : Page: 99-109

  13. Cognitive Approach to Teaching Russian as a Relevant Representing Method
    Irina Germanovna Kondratevа,Svetlana Sergeevna Frolkova,Vladislav Dmitrievich Yanchenko,Anastasia Viktorovna Fakhrutdinova
    2022; Volume -12 , Issue -3 : Page: 110-118

  14. Communicative Approach in Typological Color Ididomatics of The French and Tatar Languages: “White” and” Black”
    Roustam Melisovich Fakhretdinov,Niyaz Rastamovich Latypov
    2022; Volume -12 , Issue -3 : Page: 119-128

  15. Computer games as a motivating teaching medium in teaching English to primary schoolchildren
    Artem Victorovich Drugov,Aigul Raisovna Gilmutdinova,Aida Gumerovna Sadykova,Elzara Vasilovna Gafiyatova
    2022; Volume -12 , Issue -3 : Page: 129-135

  16. Contrastive analysis of weather metaphors in Russiand and English sport discourse
    Ayrat Rustemovich Zaripov,Aida Gumerovna Sadykova,Diana Ferdinandovna Kayumova,Charles Frederic Carlson
    2022; Volume -12 , Issue -3 : Page: 136-142

  17. Criticism of the Imperial Policy of Acculturation of "Foreigners" in The Works of Russian Authors (Kulturtragers) in the Second Half of the Xix Century
    Anvar Ajratovich Gafarov,Alikhan Anvarovich Gafarov
    2022; Volume -12 , Issue -3 : Page: 143-151

  18. Development of Linguist Students' Lexical Reading Skills in a Foreign Language by the Method of Lexical Item Meaning Morphemic Analysis
    Liliya Rinatovna Mukhametzyanova,Rezida Akhatovna Fakhrutdinova,Anastasiya Aleksandrovna Kokurina
    2022; Volume -12 , Issue -3 : Page: 152-159

  19. Development of National Culture Through Involvement of Students into Arts and Crafts
    Mefodeva Marina A.,Yavgilina Zilia M.,Murtazina Gulfiya R.,Khairullina Elmira R.,Fakhrutdinova Anastasia V.
    2022; Volume -12 , Issue -3 : Page: 160-168

  20. Difficulties of Translation of National and Cultural Realia in Imaginative Texts
    Mucvel Ahmetoglu,Ilmira Kanatovna Yerbulatova,Zoya Nikolaevna Kirillova
    2022; Volume -12 , Issue -3 : Page: 169-175

  21. Digital presence of Tatarstan Republic as means of Web-branding
    Narkiz Kamilevich Mullagaliev,Ildar Gabdrashitovich Akhmetzyanov,Almira Kadyrovna Garayeva,Leyla Rinatovna Fazleeva
    2022; Volume -12 , Issue -3 : Page: 176-184

  22. Digitalization of education: problems of transition
    Olga Vladimirovna Proshkina
    2022; Volume -12 , Issue -3 : Page: 185-191

  23. Edutainment – A Fashion Trend or A New Way of the Museum?
    Liudmila Sergeevna Timofeeva,Adelya Ilhamovna Sattarova,
    2022; Volume -12 , Issue -3 : Page: 192-199

  24. English-Language Tourism Media Discourse: Stylistic Features
    Anna Viktorovna Zorina,Karina Muratovna Amirkhanova
    2022; Volume -12 , Issue -3 : Page: 200-208

  25. Equivalence of Phraseological Units in English and Russian Mass Media
    Rimma Nailevna Salieva,Regina Maratovna Plankina,Elena Aleksandrovna Nikulina
    2022; Volume -12 , Issue -3 : Page: 209-217

  26. Ethnolinguistic Features of Embroidery Vocabulary in the Tatar Language
    Guzel Rishatovna Nasibullova,Alfiya Karimovna Bulatova,Akerke Bolatovna Zholmakhanova
    2022; Volume -12 , Issue -3 : Page: 218-225

  27. EU Environmental Policy in Central Asia
    Galimova Eleonora Alfredovna, Galimova Eleonora Alfredovna
    2022; Volume -12 , Issue -3 : Page: 226-233

  28. Experience of Using Innovative Ideas in Teaching and Learning Hindi (On the Example of Kfu)
    Guzel Ferdinandovna Mratkhuzina,Dmitry Vyacheslavovich Bobkov
    2022; Volume -12 , Issue -3 : Page: 234-241

  29. Experimental Study of Technology "Techno-R" in Teaching Grammatical Skills of the French Language
    Valentina Nikolaevna Vassilieva,Gulnara Irekovna Galeeva.Maksim Andreevich Dontsov
    2022; Volume -12 , Issue -3 : Page: 242-249

  30. Fatih Husni's Contribution to the Development of Tatar Literary Criticism (1960-1980)
    Dina Reshitovna Sabirzyanova,Dina Reshitovna Sabirzyanova
    2022; Volume -12 , Issue -3 : Page: 250-256

  31. Features of Expressiveness in Scientific and Formal English
    Landysh Afraimovna Gizyatova,Alina Albertovna Shakirova,Rimma Raisovna Sagitova,Rimma Raisovna Sagitova,Nailya Fagimovna Plotnikova
    2022; Volume -12 , Issue -3 : Page: 257-266

  32. Features of Modern Spanish Youth Language (On Material of Serial Discourse)
    Aliona Dmitrievna Mamaeva,Anna Ilinichna Noskova,Liliya Amiryanovna Nefedova
    2022; Volume -12 , Issue -3 : Page: 267-273

  33. Foreign Films Adaptation: Transferring the Movie Titles Expressiveness
    Alena Yuryevna Ermolenko,Ekaterina Sergeevna Gerasimova,Diana Ravilievna Giniyatullina,Olga Alekseevna Mironova
    2022; Volume -12 , Issue -3 : Page: 274-280

  34. Functional and Pragmatic Features of the Speech Act of Curses in the Tatar Language Space
    Guzel Amirovna Nabiullina,Alfiya Shavketovna Yusupova,Alsu Ramisovna Shakirova,Nurila Gabbasovna Shaymerdinova
    2022; Volume -12 , Issue -3 : Page: 281-288

  35. Functioning of Tatar Medical Vocabulary in Bilingual Dictionaries of the Xix Century
    Alfiya Shavketovna Yusupova,Gulnaz Rinatovna Mugtasimova,Gulfina Zagfarovna Zakirzyanova,Firdaus G. Khisamitdinova
    2022; Volume -12 , Issue -3 : Page: 289-296

  36. German-Language Prose of the 1960s: ‘Fiction and Non-Fiction’, Intertextuality
    Gilfanova Gulnara Tavkilevna,Salimzanova Dilyara Ajratovna
    2022; Volume -12 , Issue -3 : Page: 297-302

  37. German-Language Prose of the 1960s: ‘Fiction and Non-Fiction’, Intertextuality
    Gilfanova Gulnara Tavkilevna,Salimzanova Dilyara Ajratovna
    2022; Volume -12 , Issue -3 : Page: 297-302

  38. Grammatical Assimilation of Borrowings: Lexicographic Aspect
    G.N. Karimullina,R.N. Karimullina,Y.V. Laykova,K.K. Sarekenova
    2022; Volume -12 , Issue -3 : Page: 303-309

  39. Guillermo Del Toro’s The Shape of Water as The Movie and The Book
    Liliya Fuatovna Khabibullina,Zulfiya Rafisovna Zinnatullina,Diana Nyailevna Davletbaeva,Oleg Yurievich Polyakov
    2022; Volume -12 , Issue -3 : Page: 310-317

  40. Homonyms in the Persian Poetry of Muhammad Iqbal
    Mastura Negmatdzhonovna Akhmedova,Alsu Yunisovna Giniyatullina,Hilola Afkhozovna Okilova
    2022; Volume -12 , Issue -3 : Page: 318-326

  41. Implementation of Education-Based Approaches to Humanistic Socialization of Students in The Republic of Tatarstan (Kazan Federal University Case-Study)
    Rezida Khoraskina
    2022; Volume -12 , Issue -3 : Page: 327-334

  42. Intercultural Communication Case Study: Key Issues at International Companies in the Intercultural Aspect
    Leisan Musina,Jamila Mustafina
    2022; Volume -12 , Issue -3 : Page: 335-349

  43. Intercultural communication experience of foreign students in the host community
    Alla Yurievna Shakirova,Tatyana Nikolaevna Nikitina,Liliya Zinurovna Fatkhullina
    2022; Volume -12 , Issue -3 : Page: 350-357

  44. Is Tatar safe? Results of monitoring Tatar language proficiency
    Gulfia I. Gabdullaziyanova,Radif Rifkatovich Zamaletdinov,Elvira Nikolaevna Denmukhametova,Ludmila Olegovna Svirina,
    2022; Volume -12 , Issue -3 : Page: 358-368

  45. Learning through Collaboration Technology: A Networked Approach in Language Teaching
    Albina Bilyalova,Emma Gilyazeva,
    2022; Volume -12 , Issue -3 : Page: 369-383

  46. Life As a Value in Mass Cinema
    Alla Yurievna Shakirova,Vera Nikolaevna Argunova,Nikita Yurievich Peunov,Aida Nailevna Nurutdinova
    2022; Volume -12 , Issue -3 : Page: 384-391

  47. Linguistic Features of Mass Media Discourse in German and Russian
    Elena Antonovna Tulusina,Mariya Aleksandrovna Kulkova,Yuriy Viktorovich Kobenko
    2022; Volume -12 , Issue -3 : Page: 392-399

  48. Linguistic verbalization of the relationship between parents and children in Arabic, Russian and English paroemia
    Almira Kadyrovna Garayeva,Timur Akzamovich Shaikhullin,Ildar Gabdrashitovich Akhmetzyanov,Narkiz Kamilevich Mullagaliev
    2022; Volume -12 , Issue -3 : Page: 400-419

  49. Linguocultural Localization: Tendencies of American Film Titles in Translat ion into Russian
    Alena Yuryevna Ermolenko,Zarema Mukhtarovna Zaripova,Olga Alekseevna Mironova
    2022; Volume -12 , Issue -3 : Page: 420-425

  50. Linguo-Cultural Peculiarities of Phraseological Units with the Component 'Water' in English, Russian, Spanish, and German
    Natalya Vyacheslavovna Konopleva,Albina Ramilevna Kayumova,Rimma Abelkhaerovna Safina,Liliya Vasilievna Goryunova
    2022; Volume -12 , Issue -3 : Page: 426-436

  51. Literary Criticism of the Late Xix- Early Xx Century and the Literary Success of M. Gorky
    Viacheslav Nikolaevich Krylov,Mark Denisovich Zabaluev,Alexander Sergeevich Alexandrov
    2022; Volume -12 , Issue -3 : Page: 437-444

  52. Assessment Of Employee Satisfaction in A Public Hospital (Results of the 2019-2021 Internal Customer Satisfaction Survey)
    Mastutik,Qurratul Aini
    2022; Volume -12 , Issue -3 : Page: 445-458

  53. Metaphorization as a Spatial Culture Code Basis in the Cognitive Sphere of an Individual
    Anastasia Fakhrutdinova,Olga Zubkova,Viktoriia Porechnaia,Svetlana Siniaeva,Irina Sherbakova,Yulia Zubkova
    2022; Volume -12 , Issue -3 : Page: 459-465

  54. Methodical Forms of Studying a Writer's Biographyat Russian as A Foreign Language Classes (A Case Study of L. N. Tolstoy)
    Ekaterina Gennadievna Shtyrlina,Julia Vladimirovna Kapralova,Li Junying
    2022; Volume -12 , Issue -3 : Page: 466-473

  55. Modeling of English Phraseological Units and Methods of Their Translation into The Russian Language (Based on the Material of the Film Series “Zero Chill”)
    Liana Fargatovna Gatiyatullina,Alena Dmitrievna Mamaeva,Yuliya Igorevna Pavlova,Fanuza Kharisovna Tarasova
    2022; Volume -12 , Issue -3 : Page: 474-482

  56. National Worldview and Charles V´S Image in Spanish and Russian Wikipedia
    Natalia Vasilievna Antonova,José Antonio García Muniz
    2022; Volume -12 , Issue -3 : Page: 483-491

  57. Ornithonyms in the Lyrics of M.I. Tsvetaeva
    Wang Siqi,Tatyana Alexandrovna Korneyeva,Chan Wanjun
    2022; Volume -12 , Issue -3 : Page: 492-498

  58. Peculiarities of expressing communication strategy of the representatives of the Tatarstan Republic authorities and the population on online platforms
    Ildar Gabdrashitovich Akhmetzyanov,Narkiz Kamilevich Mullagaliev,Almira Kadyrovna Garayeva,Leyla Rinatovna Fazleeva
    2022; Volume -12 , Issue -3 : Page: 499-511

  59. Pedagogical Conditions for the Use of Game Applications in English Lessons
    Ramil Ravilovich Khayrutdinov,Flera Gabdulbarovna Mukhametzyanova,Il'dar Masgudovich Yusupov,Liliya Mikhailovna Litvina,Kamilla Igorevna Stepanova,Rezida Ilgizovna Khoraskina
    2022; Volume -12 , Issue -3 : Page: 512-518

  60. Phenomenology of borrowing in modern linguistic research
    Anastasia Vladimirovna Ageeva,Irina Yakovlevna Vergasova,Guzel Mnirovna Baramykova,Natalia Viktorovna Gabdreeva
    2022; Volume -12 , Issue -3 : Page: 519-527

  61. Phraseological Units in German Song Discourse
    Rimma Abelchajerowna Safina,Oksana Yurievna Amurskaya,Rimma Nailevna Salieva,Natalia Georgievna Korshunova
    2022; Volume -12 , Issue -3 : Page: 528-534

  62. Building a runoff model of Wadi Al-Rahimawi basin by SCS-CN method
    Ali Mohsin Kamil Jaafar,Zahraa Mehdi Abudl Ridaha
    2022; Volume -12 , Issue -3 : Page: 535-545

  63. Representation of Majesty of Godhead and Divinity Themes in the selected Quranic texts: A stylistic study
    Mohammed Hamzah Jassem,Akram Hamid Hamzah
    2022; Volume -12 , Issue -3 : Page: 546-552

  64. Cultural Violence in Khidhr and Tashari Novels
    Mahmood Kareem Slubi
    2022; Volume -12 , Issue -3 : Page: 553-558

  65. The Influence of Democracy Scores Strategy on Achievement and Critical Thinking of The Fifth Primary Class Students in Social sciences Materials
    Atheer Hamza Khalil Al-Maamouri,Ridha Tuame Obaid
    2022; Volume -12 , Issue -3 : Page: 559-574

  66. Religious Dress between Islam & Other Religions: A Comparative Historical Study`
    Farah Baqer Ahmed
    2022; Volume -12 , Issue -3 : Page: 575-593

  67. Identity in The Poem of Antara Bin Shaddad
    Mahmood Kareem Slubi
    2022; Volume -12 , Issue -3 : Page: 594-597

  68. Iraqi EFL University Students' Usage of Ergative Verbs
    Muayad Mingher Al-Shemmery,Shurooq Fakhir AbdulZahra,Dheyaa Al-Fatlawi
    2022; Volume -12 , Issue -3 : Page: 598-610

  69. The Turkish Strategy towards the Middle East and its Repercussions on Neighboring Countries, Syria (as a model)
    Rafal Hussein Najem,Zaid A. H. Al-khafaji,Raid Ataallah Kadhim
    2022; Volume -12 , Issue -3 : Page: 611-623

  70. Persuasion Strategies in Political Discourse: A Case Study of Boris Johnson: First Speech as Prime Minister
    Kamal Khazal Mohammd
    2022; Volume -12 , Issue -3 : Page: 624-632

  71. The possibility of achieving an IS-LM balance (money market and financial market balance) in the Iraqi economy
    Alaa Nory Hussein,Ahmed Raad Abdulkafi
    2022; Volume -12 , Issue -3 : Page: 633-645

  72. The Role of Legislature in Budget in Accordance with the Iraqi Constitution and Budget Management Law
    Balasim Adnan Abdallah
    2022; Volume -12 , Issue -3 : Page: 646-653

  73. The Role of the Judiciary in Supervising the Activities of Political Parties in Iraq
    Balasim Adnan Abdallah
    2022; Volume -12 , Issue -3 : Page: 654-662

  74. Propaganda Techniques in the American Political Discourse: A Study Case of the CNN TV Show "The Situation Room with Wolf Blitzer"
    Kamal Khazal Mohammd
    2022; Volume -12 , Issue -3 : Page: 663-670

  75. The Resilient Marketing Strategy framework in VUCA World
    Nuttarinee Weerapattanawong,Danupol Hoonsopon,Achara Chandrachai,Sipat Triukose
    2022; Volume -12 , Issue -3 : Page: 671-683

  76. Analysis of The Potential of The Sports Sector in The Effort to Create Business Opportunities in The Mandalika Super Priority Area
    Lalu Moh Yudha Isnaini,Abdul Muttalib
    2022; Volume -12 , Issue -3 : Page: 684-690

  77. Self-Concept, Logical Thinking Patterns, and Emotional Intelligence in Relation to Digital Literacy Ability
    Yayan Alpian,M. Syarif Sumantri,Yufiarti,Sri Wulan Anggraeni,April Lia Hananto
    2022; Volume -12 , Issue -3 : Page: 691-710

  78. Phraseological Units with Names of Trees in English, German and Russian
    Olga D. Kuzmina,Liya G. Yusupova,Marina I. Guseva
    2022; Volume -12 , Issue -3 : Page: 711-716

  79. Precedent Expressions in English Newspaper Headlines
    Ilnur Rafisovich Khuzin,Azat Filkatovich Mustafin,Guliar Nazmetdinovna Mustafina
    2022; Volume -12 , Issue -3 : Page: 717-726

  80. Prototypes of Russian and English Phraseological Euphemisms as the Basis of Their National and Cultural Specificity
    Yulia Svyatoslavovna Arsentyeva,Elena Fridrikhovna Arsenteva,Antonio Bertran Pamies,Iskander Engelevich Yarmakeev
    2022; Volume -12 , Issue -3 : Page: 727-733

  81. Innovation Of Learning Arabic Calligraphy Digital Quran In The Cryan World
    2022; Volume -12 , Issue -3 : Page: 734-761

  82. Quantification of Actants and Expression of Diachronic Polysituation in French, English, Russian and Tatar
    Alsu Nigmatyanovna Makhmutova,Gulnara Firdavisovna Lutfullina
    2022; Volume -12 , Issue -3 : Page: 762-770

  83. Representation of Image of the Republic of Tatarstan in Foreign Mass Media
    Zhanna Georgievna Konovalova,Alsu Alexandrovna Khafizova,Akhmadieva Rosa Shaikhaidarovna
    2022; Volume -12 , Issue -3 : Page: 771-790

  84. On The Question of the Features of the Use of Automated Translaton Programs in Teaching Written Translation of Artistic Discourse Texts
    Irina Igorevna Abdulganeeva,Anna Dmitrievna Fominykh
    2022; Volume -12 , Issue -3 : Page: 791-799

  85. Research on the Extremism Awareness Level of Students
    Anastasia V. Fakhrutdinova,Oleg A. Sudorgin,Anna M. Sotnikova,Ekaterina A. Karelina,Lilia E Ilikova
    2022; Volume -12 , Issue -3 : Page: 800-810

  86. Reserve Museums in Cultural Tourism
    Liudmila Sergeevna Timofeeva,Adelya Ilhamovna Sattarova,Olga Alekseeva Masalova
    2022; Volume -12 , Issue -3 : Page: 811-817

  87. Romantic Tradition in Russian Fairy Tale for Children (1960-1980s)
    Dilyara Ilsurovna Zalalyeva,Natalia Georgievna Makhinina,Ellina Viktorovna Shustova,Anna Leonidovna Gumerova
    2022; Volume -12 , Issue -3 : Page: 818-824

  88. Synthesis of Linguistics and Genetics in the Material of the English and Russian Languages.
    Dilyara Ajratovna Salimzanova,Gulnara Tavkilevna Gilfanova
    2022; Volume -12 , Issue -3 : Page: 825-829

  89. Semantic Analysis of English Modern Slang
    Aliya Albertovna Abdrakhmanova,Anastasiya Mikhailovna Mubarakshina
    2022; Volume -12 , Issue -3 : Page: 830-837

  90. Semantic and Functional Status of Comparative Units in Mass Media Discourse
    Svetlana Sergeevna Safonova,Olga Anatolevna Chupryakova,Anna Vladislavovna Ganitseva,Irina Aleksandrovna Votyakova
    2022; Volume -12 , Issue -3 : Page: 838-845

  91. Semiotic Status of the Folklore Image of the Stove in Traditional Culture of the Tatars
    Leila Khasanovna Davletshina, İldar Safiullovich Mavlyautdinov
    2022; Volume -12 , Issue -3 : Page: 846-852

  92. The Post-Thaw Period and Monumental Art in the Soviet Province
    Sergeev Sergey,Sergeeva Zulfia
    2022; Volume -12 , Issue -3 : Page: 853-858

  93. Situational Centers of the Republic Of Tatarstan and Analysis of Social Networks (Instagram)
    Liya E. Bushkanets,Liya E. Bushkanets,Shigin Leonid Borisovich,Ramil Ravilovich Khairutdinov,Minnikhanov Rifkat Nurgalievich
    2022; Volume -12 , Issue -3 : Page: 859-868

  94. Some of Stylistic Devices in the Novel of Jokha Al-Harithi “Celestial Bodies” (“سيّدات القمر ” جوخة الحارثي )
    Ilvera Irfanovna Salakhova,Vasilya Rinatovna Nabiullina
    2022; Volume -12 , Issue -3 : Page: 869-881

  95. Specifics of phraseological units functioning in English public discourse on the material of Youtube platform
    Karina A. Bashkirova,Igor O. Gurianov,Radif R. Zamaletdinov,Natasha Anthony
    2022; Volume -12 , Issue -3 : Page: 882-889

  96. Speech Verbs as a Dynamic Model of the Language Picture of the Tatar World
    Dinaer xxxx,Ruzilya Rashitovna Salakhova, Firuza Ramzelovna Sibgaeva,Aigul Galimzhanovna Bozbayeva
    2022; Volume -12 , Issue -3 : Page: 890-896

  97. Syntactic Transformations in Translated Media Texts (By the Example of Modern Translated Texts Tatar-Inform.Ru)
    Guzel Amirovna Nabiullina,Renat Islamgarayevich Latypov,Dilyara Ilnurovna Sharapova,Akarturk Karahan
    2022; Volume -12 , Issue -3 : Page: 897-904

  98. Teachers of Physical Educations Survey on the Effects of Online Learning on Physical Education During the Covid-19 Pandemic
    Do Tan Phong,Luu Thien Suong,Le Cong Bang,Dao Chanh Thuc
    2022; Volume -12 , Issue -3 : Page: 905-913

  99. The Categories "Own" and "Alien" in the Local (Kazan) Text
    Sara Mahbobzadh,Liliya Harisovna Nasrutdinova,Urszula Trojanowska
    2022; Volume -12 , Issue -3 : Page: 914-920

  100. The Categories "Own" and "Alien" in the Local (Kazan) Text
    Sara Mahbobzadh,Liliya Harisovna Nasrutdinova,Urszula Trojanowska
    2022; Volume -12 , Issue -3 : Page: 914-920

  101. The Duality of the Mask Archetype in Works of Art
    Dina Reshitovna Sabirzyanova,Kazhytay Balnur Kizirbekkyzy,Flera Sagitovna Sayfulina,Orazbek Maktagul Socialkyzy
    2022; Volume -12 , Issue -3 : Page: 921-927

  102. The Duality of the Mask Archetype in Works of Art
    Dina Reshitovna Sabirzyanova,Kazhytay Balnur Kizirbekkyzy,Flera Sagitovna Sayfulina,Orazbek Maktagul Socialkyzy
    2022; Volume -12 , Issue -3 : Page: 921-927

  103. The Formation of V.M. Khvostov as a Historian and the Professional Activity of a Scientist
    Albina Marselevna Imamutdinova,Elena Alexandrovna Venidiktova,Gulfiya Zilifovna Kamalieva,Alla Yurievna Shakirova
    2022; Volume -12 , Issue -3 : Page: 928-935

  104. The Heritage of the Kazan Linguistic School: Jan Baudouin De Courtenay and Foreign Languages
    Faina Lazarevna Ratner,Svetlana Salavatovna Takhtarova,Darya Leonidovna Abuzyarova
    2022; Volume -12 , Issue -3 : Page: 936-943

  105. The Heritage of the Kazan Linguistic School: Jan Baudouin De Courtenay and Foreign Languages
    Faina Lazarevna Ratner,Svetlana Salavatovna Takhtarova,Darya Leonidovna Abuzyarova
    2022; Volume -12 , Issue -3 : Page: 936-943

  106. The History within the Story, The Story within the History in Jhumpa Lahiri’s “The Lowland”
    Arina Rafailyevna Shevchenko,Olga Olegovna Nesmelova,Vera Grigorievna Novikova
    2022; Volume -12 , Issue -3 : Page: 944-950

  107. The Linguo Creative Character of Memes in Network Linguistics
    Gulyusa Kurbangalievna Ismagilova,Guzel Rishatovna Nasibullova,Akerke Bolatovna Zholmakhanova,Mariia B. Kazachkova
    2022; Volume -12 , Issue -3 : Page: 951-957

  108. The "media man": The ethics of communication in the digital age
    Liliya Featovna Khabibulina
    2022; Volume -12 , Issue -3 : Page: 958-964

  109. The Metalanguage of a Scientific Text and Its Implementation in Translation
    Alina F. Nigmatullina,Sholpan K. Zharkynbekova,Zhanna N. Kuzar,Аlsu Kh. Аshrаpovа,Mariia B. Kazachkova
    2022; Volume -12 , Issue -3 : Page: 965-971

  110. The mythologization of the Celtic Tiger in the creative work of Anne Enright (by the example of the historical novel “The Pleasure of Eliza Lynch”)
    Milyausha Sayfullina
    2022; Volume -12 , Issue -3 : Page: 972-979

  111. Vocabulary Reflecting Age in the Tatar and Azerbaijani Languages
    Firuza Ramzelovna Sibgaeva,Mahira Huseynova
    2022; Volume -12 , Issue -3 : Page: 980-986

  112. Pro-Conservative British Media: Language Features
    Gennadiy Raisovich Sharafutdinov
    2022; Volume -12 , Issue -3 : Page: 987-999

  113. The Role of Cognitive Strategies in Learning a Foreign Language: The Degree of Their Application
    Ramil Ravilovich Khayrutdinov,Asghar Ghodrati,Flera Gabdulbarovna Mukhametzyanova,Rail Ravilovich Fahrutdinov,Alexey Mikhailovich Stolyarov,Elmira Makhmudova Mirasrarova
    2022; Volume -12 , Issue -3 : Page: 1000-1007

  114. The Specificity of Autonomous Work Organization on the Moodle Platform
    Liliya Vyazirovna Bazarova,Emma Nikolaevna Gilyazeva
    2022; Volume -12 , Issue -3 : Page: 1008-1020

  115. The Theme of Family in Russian and Chinese Women's Literature: Comparative Aspect
    Tao Li,Elvira Firdavilevna Nagumanova,Kadisha Rustembekovna Nurgali
    2022; Volume -12 , Issue -3 : Page: 1021-1027

  116. Typology of Pre-Romantic Melancholy Poetics from the Perspec-tive of Contemporary Philosophical Consciousness
    Aleksey Nikolaevich Pashkurov,Sergey Anatolyevich Vasilyiev,Rinat Albertovich Bakirov
    2022; Volume -12 , Issue -3 : Page: 1028-1036

  117. Features of Crisis Phenomena in the Economy in the Modern Era, Arising Under the Influence of Factors of Various Genesis
    Dmitry Yurievich Domnichev,Sergey Nikolaevich Kosnikov,Tatiana Sergeevna Romanishina,Kalmykova Mariia Aleksandrovna,Anastasia Vasilyeva
    2022; Volume -12 , Issue -3 : Page: 1037-1045

  118. Unpublished Correspondence of A. E. Krymsky and V.F. Minorsky
    Rаmil Mirgasimovich Valeev,Roza Zakarievna Valeeva
    2022; Volume -12 , Issue -3 : Page: 1046-1054

  119. Use of Digital Technology in the Compilation of a Foreign Language Mobile Dictionary
    Albina Fanilevna Mukhamadiarova,Alina Eduardovna Rakhimova,Ildar Kamzovich Safin,Iskander Engelevich Yarmakeev,Iskander Engelevich Yarmakeev,Galiya Maratovna Gatiyatullina,Ekaterina Sergeevna Lapshova
    2022; Volume -12 , Issue -3 : Page: 1055-1062

  120. Verbal Means of Representation of the Perceptive Category in the Tatar Language
    Dilyara Ilnurovna Sharapova,Dilyara Ilnurovna Sharapova,Elmira Kanatovna Yerbulatova
    2022; Volume -12 , Issue -3 : Page: 1063-1069

  121. Vocabulary Reflecting Age in the Tatar and Azerbaijani Languages
    Firuza Ramzelovna Sibgaeva, Mahira Huseynova
    2022; Volume -12 , Issue -3 : Page: 1070-1076

  122. Policy Recommendations for Green Credit Development at Commercial Banks in Vietnam
    Nguyen Quoc Huy,Nguyen Thi Loan
    2022; Volume -12 , Issue -3 : Page: 1077-1089

  123. Exploring the Concept of Islamic Human Capital: Empirical Evidence among Malaysian Muslim SMEs
    Yusmazida Mohd Yusoff,Siti Khadijah Ab Manan,Idaya Husna Mohd,Muhamad Khalil Omar,Yusliza Mohd Yusoff,Fauziah Noordin
    2022; Volume -12 , Issue -3 : Page: 1090-1103

  124. Islamic Intellectual Capital: Zakat Compliance Among Zakat Payers in Terengganu, Malaysia
    Yusri Hazrol Yusoff,Muhamad Khalil Omar
    2022; Volume -12 , Issue -3 : Page: 1104-1111

  125. Individual, Organizational, and Environmental Factors Affecting Work-Life Balance among Malaysian Lecturers Amidst Covid-19 Pandemic
    Farah Amirah Kori,Muhamad Khalil Omar,Idaya Husna Mohd,Mohamad Fahimi Ahmad
    2022; Volume -12 , Issue -3 : Page: 1112-1132

  126. People’s Perspective in Bandung City About the Concept of Inclusive Education
    Emay Mastiani, Milda Ayu Firdiati,Rangga khalifaturrahman,Dhony Agusta A.S,Rofi Baihaqi
    2022; Volume -12 , Issue -3 : Page: 1133-1141

  127. Stories of Imam Mahdi in Local Wisdom of Archipelago Manu-scripts
    Faiz Karim Fatkhullah,Imam Syafei
    2022; Volume -12 , Issue -3 : Page: 1142-1159

  128. The Implementation of A Parenting Program to Improve Character Values
    Deti Rostini,Reiza Anjati,Andriansyah Zulfiqar
    2022; Volume -12 , Issue -3 : Page: 1160-1166

  129. Penerapan Metode Cues-Pause-Point (Cpp) Untuk Mengurangi Echolalia Pada Anak Asd Dalam Konteks Komunikasi Sosial
    Yoga Budhi Santoso,Arin Juliana Apandi,Galih Cahya Rhamadan,Gina Nira Noer Aeni, Army Zulfahmi
    2022; Volume -12 , Issue -3 : Page: 1167-1179

  130. Extent to which the internal control systems of Iraqi private banks are consistent with the principles of the COSO Committee 2017 framework
    Mohanad Hadi AlHawazi,Mohanad Mohamed AlMudhafar
    2022; Volume -12 , Issue -3 : Page: 1180-1190

  131. Authenticity of the Sunnah of Prophet: Investigating and Refuting Suspicious Allegations in Contemporary Times
    Ayad Kamil Ibrahim Al-Zeebaree,Abdulhaq Hunar Auny Al-Akrawi
    2022; Volume -12 , Issue -3 : Page: 1191-1204

  132. Purification of University Water for Rehabilitation to Use in Agricultural Water
    Abdul Salam Atwa Ali Al-Fndi,Auxiliary staff
    2022; Volume -12 , Issue -3 : Page: 1205-1215

  133. Analyzing American Language Course Textbooks' Questions Implemented at Prince Faisal Technical College in Jordan according to Revised Bloom Taxonomy
    Izzeldeen A. Alrbehat
    2022; Volume -12 , Issue -3 : Page: 1216-1224

  134. Students At the Business School at Universidad Técnica Estatal De Quevedo-Ecuador and their Perception of Social Entrepreneurship
    León Arguello Núñez,Mario Pérez Arévalo,Daniel Parra Gavilanes,María de la O Barroso González,Adolfo Elizondo-Saltos
    2022; Volume -12 , Issue -3 : Page: 1225- 1237

  135. Analysis of social indicators in the context of COVID-19 in Ecuador
    Rosa Gómez,Emma Mendoza Vargas,Laura Tachong Alencastro,Javier Pérez Juez
    2022; Volume -12 , Issue -3 : Page: 1238-1245

  136. Simulation and Experimental Validation of the Pressure Coefficient in Aerodynamic Profiles
    Cristian Paúl Topa Chuquitarco,Cristian Paúl Topa Chuquitarco,Ángel Iván Torres Quijije,Ángel Iván Torres Quijije,
    2022; Volume -12 , Issue -3 : Page: 1246-1258

  137. Sustainability of Agricultural Smes: A Methodological Proposal for Their Evaluation
    Karina Alexandra Plua Panta,Ibrahin Amhed León Tellez,Mariana Del Roció Reyes Bermeo,Colón Bustamante Fuentes
    2022; Volume -12 , Issue -3 : Page: 1259-1274

  138. Evaluation of seed and vegetable agglutination in yogurt and its effect on physicochemical parameters
    José Villarroel Bastidas, Yandry Dayan Zambrano Muñoz,Azucena Elizabeth Bernal Gutiérrez,Azucena Elizabeth Bernal Gutiérrez,María de Guía Córdoba Ramos,Alicia Rodríguez Jiménez
    2022; Volume -12 , Issue -3 : Page: 1275-1287

    Ángel Maldonado Castro,Jenny Maldonado Castro,Edgar Moreno Suquilanda,Darwin Javier Zamora Mayorga
    2022; Volume -12 , Issue -3 : Page: 1288-1298

    Carlos Edison Zambrano,Fátima Lourdes Morales Intriago,Javier Leonardo Patiño Uyaguari
    2022; Volume -12 , Issue -3 : Page: 1299-1307

  141. Review of the strengthening of the Ecuadorian banana industry
    Carola Pinos Ullauri,Magali Calero Lara,Pedro Miranda Ullon,Rafael Muñoz Rodríguez
    2022; Volume -12 , Issue -3 : Page: 1308-1315

  142. Hazardous Waste Management in Public Health Centers in La Maná, Ecuador
    Juan Pablo Urdánigo Zambrano,Cristina Juliana Castro Zambrano,Mariela Díaz Ponce,Yarelys Ferrer Sanchez,
    2022; Volume -12 , Issue -3 : Page: 1316-1325

  143. Impact of the tax reform on agricultural SMEs in the Province of Los Rios – Ecuador
    Aida Maribel Palma,Arturo Patricio Mosquera,Erika Ballesteros
    2022; Volume -12 , Issue -3 : Page: 1326- 1337

    Alwi,Gita Susanti
    2022; Volume -12 , Issue -3 : Page: 1338-1348

  145. Settlement Arrangement Strategy Using an Eco-Settlement Approach in The Rammang-Rammang Karst Tourism Area
    M Arifin,S Wunas,I Asmal,P Mushar,G Lakatupa,N Awaliah
    2022; Volume -12 , Issue -3 : Page: 1349-1368

  146. Analysis of The Potential of The Sports Sector in The Effort to Create Business Opportunities in The Mandalika Super Priority Area
    Lalu Moh Yudha Isnaini,Abdul Muttalib
    2022; Volume -12 , Issue -3 : Page: 1369-1376

  147. Self-Concept, Logical Thinking Patterns, and Emotional Intelligence in Relation to Digital Literacy Ability
    Yayan Alpian,M. Syarif Sumantri,,Yufiarti,Sri Wulan Anggraeni,April Lia Hananto
    2022; Volume -12 , Issue -3 : Page: 1377-1396

  148. Potential uses of underutilized sago to support the sustainability of food supply and bioeconomy
    Fetriyuna Fetriyuna,Sri Murniani Angelina Letsoin,Ignasius Radix A.P. Jati,Ratna Chrismiari Purwestri,Budhi Setiawan,Nia Novita Wirawan,Nia Novita Wirawan,Miroslav Hájek,Siti Nurhasanah,Tri Yuliana
    2022; Volume -12 , Issue -3 : Page: 1397-1415

  149. Growth Mindset Among University Students Nour Abbas Fade
    Hussein Rabie Hammadi
    2022; Volume -12 , Issue -3 : Page: 1416-1422

  150. Civil and Parliamentary Control in Kazakhstan in Comparison with Germany
    A.Q. Atzhan
    2022; Volume -12 , Issue -3 : Page: 1423-1430

  151. Essence and Definition of Kazakhstan’s Legal
    M.O. Zhumagulov,G.R. Absattarov,R.B. Absattarov,A.Q. Atzhan
    2022; Volume -12 , Issue -3 : Page: 1431-1443

  152. The Application of Edmodo and Corpus Linguistics in English Grammar Learning for Students with Hearing Loss in Slb 1 Sukabumi City
    Deden Novan Setiawan Nugraha,Nurul Hermina
    2022; Volume -12 , Issue -3 : Page: 1444-1455

  153. A Study on The Situation and Direction of Human Resource Development in The Thai Government System
    Phichak Phutrakhul
    2022; Volume -12 , Issue -3 : Page: 1456-1471

  154. Model of Environmental Education Predicting Green Behavior through Public Mind
    Sapphasit Kaewhao,Nanthaporn Sutthiphapa
    2022; Volume -12 , Issue -3 : Page: 1472-1484

  155. Iraqi women's attitudes towards the marketing of medicines and cosmetics through social networking sites
    A.M.D. Jassim Tarish Al-Aqabi,millimeter. Shahrazad Shakir Raouf
    2022; Volume -12 , Issue -3 : Page: 1485-1493

  156. Use of Big Data for Preventing and Suppressing Crimes in Thailand1
    Supatra Phanwichit
    2022; Volume -12 , Issue -3 : Page: 1494-1504

  157. Cost Effectiveness of Maintaining an Integrated Management System for A Philippine Waterworks
    Mark Franklin Manalang,Giovanni Ocampo
    2022; Volume -12 , Issue -3 : Page: 1505-1518

  158. Modeling The Antecedents of The Quality of Lifeevidence Across the Globe
    Honesto O. Camino,Edwin G. Malabuyoc
    2022; Volume -12 , Issue -3 : Page: 1519-1532

  159. Customer Satisfaction on the Post-Purchase Services of anAutomotive Company
    May Rose Maynes Villegas,Desserie T. Maynes-Blanco
    2022; Volume -12 , Issue -3 : Page: 1533-1551

  160. Content Analysis of the Inclusion of the Psychomotor Domain in the Student’s Book of Action Back for the Third Grade in Jordan
    Ayat Barmawi,Abdallah Ahmad Baniabdelrahman
    2022; Volume -12 , Issue -3 : Page: 1552-1562

  161. Future Thinking of University Students
    Doaa Ali Abdul Hussein,Adnan Mared Gabr
    2022; Volume -12 , Issue -3 : Page: 1563-1571

  162. Teaching physics according to David Merrill theory of equipping fifth-grade students with applied scientific skills to solve the mathematical problem
    Ahmed Johar Mohamed Amin,Ali Salim Suleiman
    2022; Volume -12 , Issue -3 : Page: 1572-1588

  163. Cultural Activities The Iraqi Ministry of Culture, Tourism and Antiquities
    Sarah Salah Hassan,Raya Qahtan Ahmed
    2022; Volume -12 , Issue -3 : Page: 1589-1598

  164. The Saudi Foreign Policy towards Iraq after 2014
    Hayder Abed kadhim,Shefaa Khaleel Ibrahim
    2022; Volume -12 , Issue -3 : Page: 1599-1605

  165. The use of public relations in websites to build a mental image in government institutions: A field study for the site of Babylon Governorate
    Alaa Abdulrida Musa,Kareem Mesehet Zalaf Al Mousawi
    2022; Volume -12 , Issue -3 : Page: 1606-1619

  166. An Analytical Study of the Use of Infographic Advertisements in Altaif Islamic Bank, International Development Bank, and AlRafidain Bank
    Samara Abdullah Ahmed,Mohamed Chiyad Zainuldin
    2022; Volume -12 , Issue -3 : Page: 1620-1635

  167. Effects Of Material Exposure Issued by Management to The Lessee
    Amer Ashoor Abdullah,Sabaa Yahya Younis Al-Obaidi
    2022; Volume -12 , Issue -3 : Page: 1636-1650

  168. Analytical study of some skills according to the most and least effective in the matches of the 2019 Asian Football Cup for the role of the Quarter- Finals
    Muayad nawfal nayyef,Yassine trabelsi
    2022; Volume -12 , Issue -3 : Page: 1651-1659

  169. The impact of the coronavirus pandemic on the implementation of administrative contracts
    Rasha Naeem Hafedh,Ayad Dawood Kweyez
    2022; Volume -12 , Issue -3 : Page: 1660-1670

  170. Human Rights in Surat Hud
    Sarah Jumaa Hussein,Jabbar Abdul-Wahab Al-Dulaimi
    2022; Volume -12 , Issue -3 : Page: 1671-1676

  171. Improvement Purposes: The True Sharia A Case Study
    Nadia Khudair Khalil,Ali Jamil Tarish
    2022; Volume -12 , Issue -3 : Page: 1677-1682

  172. Coexistence and tolerance throughout the Islamic ages
    Hassan hadi oleiwi,Yaseen khudhair mejbel
    2022; Volume -12 , Issue -3 : Page: 1683-1691

  173. Competency based model for logistics and supply chain management
    S. Leonova,O. Dovhun,N. Hayvanovych,V
    2022; Volume -12 , Issue -3 : Page: 1692-1703

  174. Micro Account Officer’s Performance Based on Leadership Style and Personality Mediated by Motivation
    I Made Putrawan,Henry Eryanto,V
    2022; Volume -12 , Issue -3 : Page: 1704-1715

  175. The Impact of Human Resources Management on Knowledge Management at the Jordanian Universities
    Somaia Jamil Ahmed Momani
    2022; Volume -12 , Issue -3 : Page: 1716-1732

  176. Measuring the Impact of Currency Window on Iraqi’s General Budget for 2019-2004
    Maher Hassan Tami,Adel Mansour Fadil
    2022; Volume -12 , Issue -3 : Page: 1733-1747

  177. The effect of special exercises with auxiliary means in the rehabilitation of partial rupture of the rectus femoris tendon in football players
    Basim shareef sayah,Oussama Gaied Chortane,Aymen Hawani,Sabri Gaied Chortane
    2022; Volume -12 , Issue -3 : Page: 1748-1758

  178. Interdisciplinary studies between concept and linguistic term
    Sarah Saleh Abd Oun,Neama Dahash Farhan
    2022; Volume -12 , Issue -3 : Page: 1759-1769

  179. The role of Arbitration in Trade Contracts in International Oil investment Law and its Problems
    Laith Al-Juneih,Ahmed almosawy
    2022; Volume -12 , Issue -3 : Page: 1770-1780

  180. Selecting Items of Staff Academic Personality
    Azlizamani Zubir Salim
    2022; Volume -12 , Issue -3 : Page: 1781-1790

  181. Managerial accounting tools for the optimization of decisionmaking: Analysis of the Peruvian commercial sector
    Rafael Romero-Carazas,Carlos Cárdenas Vasquez,Milagros del Pilar Rengifo Aguilar,Abrahan Braulio Santos Maldonado,José Gregorio Mora Barajas,José Gregorio Mora Barajas
    2022; Volume -12 , Issue -3 : Page: 1791-1802

  182. Analysis of the Scientific Production on Peruvian History in WOS and SCOPUS (2015-2020)
    Rosali K. Cutipa Cayra,Alex D. Calcina Hualpa,V,José E. García Tejada,Félix de Moya Anegón
    2022; Volume -12 , Issue -3 : Page: 1803-1813

  183. Factors and equity control in governmental institutions
    Miguel Melgarejo Quijandria,Paula Eliana Izquierdo Paucar,Hilda Quispe Cardenas,Doris Zevallos Echevarria,Adolfo William Lavalle Gonzales,Roque Juan Espinoza Casco,Rafael Romero-Carazas Universidad Peruana Unión – Lima - P
    2022; Volume -12 , Issue -3 : Page: 1814-1824

  184. The Legal Contribution of the Parable of the Hidden Treasure in Roman Law (Matthaeum XIII, XLIV).
    Juan Manuel Alba Bermúdez, Universidad de Las Américas ,Quito-Ecuador
    2022; Volume -12 , Issue -3 : Page: 1825-1840

  185. Chilean Regulatory Framework for Inclusive Education: approach to story analysis
    Dra Pamela Herrera-Díaz
    2022; Volume -12 , Issue -3 : Page: 1841-1854

  186. The Relation of Career Satisfaction with Some Veriables Among Appointed Members In The Civil Defense Directorate In Jordan
    Yazan Mashfi Alnaimat,Baha' Suhail Mousa Shawaqfeh,Asma Muhammed Odeh Allah Al-Sabihat,Abdallah Salem Farhan Almahaireh
    2022; Volume -12 , Issue -3 : Page: 1855-1867

  187. Augmented Reality “Megoak-Goakan” The Traditional Balinenes Games for Learning
    Gede Eka Budi Darmawan, Ni Nyoman Parwati,I Wayan Sukra Warpala,Dewa Gede Hendra Divayana
    2022; Volume -12 , Issue -3 : Page: 1868-1876

  188. The contents of the videos in the campaign (Take the vaccine to ensure your safety from disease) for the anti-Covid-19 vaccines, an analytical study.
    Reham Abdulaziz Abdul Karim Al-Azzawi,Raya Qahtan Ahmed
    2022; Volume -12 , Issue -3 : Page: 1877-1893

  189. Emotional Regulation among Baghdad University Students
    Sarah Mohamed Abd,Fayyad1 Sally Taleb Alwan
    2022; Volume -12 , Issue -3 : Page: 1894-1911

  190. The contents of the videos in the campaign (Take the vaccine to ensure your safety from disease) for the anti-Covid-19 vaccines, an analytical study
    Reham Abdulaziz Abdul Karim Al-Azzawi,Raya Qahtan Ahmed
    2022; Volume -12 , Issue -3 : Page: 1912-1927

  191. The role of geography in the accumulation of Iraqi debt
    Amal Abbas Nouri,Inam Salim Witwit
    2022; Volume -12 , Issue -3 : Page: 1928-1948

  192. A Study On Risk Free Rate In The Context Of Indian Financial Market
    Mohammed Abdulhussien Alwan,Alaa jassim,Sabeeha Salih Omer,Faten Hatem
    2022; Volume -12 , Issue -3 : Page: 1949-1962

  193. The Concept Of Violation And Its Applications In The Civil Law
    Saddam Badn Rahima Al-Saadi
    2022; Volume -12 , Issue -3 : Page: 1963-1979

  194. Emotional Regulation in Students of University of Wasit
    Rafel Tahseen Ali Hussein,Abed Kateh Sumoom
    2022; Volume -12 , Issue -3 : Page: 1980-1990

  195. Quality of Digital Government Services
    Salem Ahmad Alrhaimi,Imad Mohammed Rabeh
    2022; Volume -12 , Issue -3 : Page: 1991-1998

  196. Fundamentals of Applying the Substantive Rules Approach
    Mohammed Hasnawi Shwaya,Zainab Falah Nassif
    2022; Volume -12 , Issue -3 : Page: 1999-2011

  197. The Situation Survey of Community-Based Tourism Amid the Era of COVID -19 in Phayao Province Thailand
    Suriya Somchan,Piyaphong Supanyo
    2022; Volume -12 , Issue -3 : Page: 2012-2027

  198. Development of health and historical tourism routes by communities, Nopphitam District, Nakhon Si Thammarat Province
    Patcharee Sumethokul,Supavadee Promma,Methawat Phutornpukdee,Mayoon Lamsub,Umaporn Kanjanaklod,Prakob Jaiman
    2022; Volume -12 , Issue -3 : Page: 2028-2036

  199. Cyberchondria and its Relationship to Health Anxiety
    Ranya Abdulkarim Sahan,Ahmed Latif Jasim
    2022; Volume -12 , Issue -3 : Page: 2037-2046

  200. Testing Whiting and Williams’s social media Uses and Gratifications Model in building Creator Economies through Mega Sporting Events
    Noura Eissa,Eiman Abdel Maksoud Eissa
    2022; Volume -12 , Issue -3 : Page: 2047-2060

  201. Common Rumination and Its Relationship to the Quality of Friendship among University Students
    Zeinab Mohammed Hadi,Sanaa Majoul Faisal
    2022; Volume -12 , Issue -3 : Page: 2061-2070

  202. The Role of Competitive Vigilance in the Face of Marketing Challenges: A Survey Study of the deployment of same workers in the Dayna Market Shopping Mall in Mosul City
    Abdul Sattar Salim Awadh Al – Jubory,Mohammad Mahmood AL-Mulla Hasan,Mohammed Ahmed Mahmood
    2022; Volume -12 , Issue -3 : Page: 2071-2082

  203. The impact of information technology on human resource performance: an applied study
    Maitham Abbas Ibrahim,Kholoud Ali Oraibi
    2022; Volume -12 , Issue -3 : Page: 2083-2095

  204. Translating Cultural Specific Terms and Concepts
    Sarah Abdulsallam Ali
    2022; Volume -12 , Issue -3 : Page: 2096-2103

  205. The concept of the rule of inadmissibility of apology due to ignorance of the law
    Zahraa Hani Jaber,Abbas Hikmat Farman
    2022; Volume -12 , Issue -3 : Page: 2104-2112

  206. Economy Challenges in the New Normal Era in Malaysia
    Mohd Zamre Mohd Zahir,VTengku Noor Azira Tengku Zainudin,Ramalinggam Rajamanickam,Mohammad Safri Ishak,Abd Halim Sapani
    2022; Volume -12 , Issue -3 : Page: 2113-2128

  207. Classification of metaphors according to the degree of difficulty of their perception and their decoding from the standpoint of invariant semantics
    Svetlana A. Pesina,Svetlana V. Kiseleva,Svetlana A. Vinogradova,Nella A. Trofimova,Nella A. Trofimova,,Makhabat G. Abilova,Olga I. Prosyannikova
    2022; Volume -12 , Issue -3 : Page: 2129-2141

  208. Effects of Family's Economic Situation on Crime Rates
    Moody S. Al-Anizy
    2022; Volume -12 , Issue -3 : Page: 2142-2150

  209. FIFA World Cup Qatar 2022: the Remaining Legacy within Qatari Legal System
    Abdelnaser Zeyad Hayajneh
    2022; Volume -12 , Issue -3 : Page: 2151-2167

  210. Bibliometric Analysis of Political Culture Studies as the Basis of Defining Public Policy
    Anak Agung Gede Oka Wisnumurti,I Made Mardika,I Nyoman Kardan
    2022; Volume -12 , Issue -3 : Page: 2168-2181

  211. Social Financial Inclusion and Gender Equity Drivers of Sustainable Green Entrepreneurship
    P Eko Prasetyo,Azwardi,Nurjannah Rahayu Kistanti
    2022; Volume -12 , Issue -3 : Page: 2182-2197

  212. A Legal Paradigm regarding the Establishment of Limited Liability Company in Indonesia and Malaysia
    R. Murjiyanto,Sudiyana,Mohd Zamre Mohd Zahi,Hasani Mohd Ali
    2022; Volume -12 , Issue -3 : Page: 2198-2207

  213. Strengthening Village Entities to Recover National Economy
    Nur Imam Saifuloh,Nursini,Sabir,Anas Iswanto Anwar
    2022; Volume -12 , Issue -3 : Page: 2208-2216

  214. The Role of Strategic Planning Processes on the Effectiveness of the Jordanians Ministry of Interior
    Shuroog Hassan Ali Obeidat,Mashitah binti Mohd Udin
    2022; Volume -12 , Issue -3 : Page: 2217-2236

  215. A Pragmatic Study of Persuasive Politesse in Martin Luther King’s Speech “HOW LONG? NOT LONG”
    Zahraa Safaa Ibrahim,Lina Laith
    2022; Volume -12 , Issue -3 : Page: 2237-2246

  216. The Impact of Human Resources on The Application of Cloud Accounting
    Faten Hatem,Firas Albduamer,Sabeeha Saleh,Alaa Jassim
    2022; Volume -12 , Issue -3 : Page: 2247- 2258

  217. Evaluation Model for the Axes of Spatial Interaction Between the Center and Cities of the Dohuk District
    Jamal Hamid Rashid
    2022; Volume -12 , Issue -3 : Page: 2259-2277

  218. The Impact of the different methods of Selecting One Group in Calculating the Items Sensitivity Coefficient on the Standard Characteristics of the Criterion-Referenced Test
    Hiba Jamal Ali,Balqees Hmood Kadhim
    2022; Volume -12 , Issue -3 : Page: 2278-2299

  219. Compensation for Literary Damages to the Author
    Saddam Badn Rahima Al-Saadi
    2022; Volume -12 , Issue -3 : Page: 2300-2315

  220. The Concept and Relation between Pragmatics and Politics in English Language
    Hadeer Jasim Mohammed,Aljanabi Hiba Ahmed Kareem,Ranea Yahya Khudhur,Jagdish Joshi
    2022; Volume -12 , Issue -3 : Page: 2316-2328

  221. The Effectiveness of a Proposed Educational Design Model According to Conceptual Field Theory in The Collection of Geographical Material for Female Students in the Fifth Grade Literary
    Thanaa Yahya Qasim Al_hasoo,Nawras Mohammed Hussein
    2022; Volume -12 , Issue -3 : Page: 2329-2342

  222. The Effectiveness of a Proposed Program Based on Pivotal Thinking Skills in Developing Geographical Thinking for Fifth Literary Grade Female Students
    Zahraa Majeed Shah Mohammed,Bushra Hassan Mathkor
    2022; Volume -12 , Issue -3 : Page: 2343-2357

  223. Appraisal Theory as a Linguistic Tool to Analyse Jose Saramago’s Blindness
    Raed Kareem,Hassan Farhan
    2022; Volume -12 , Issue -3 : Page: 2358-2378

  224. Analysis of Teleconnection Patterns on Autumn and Winter Temperatures in Iraq
    Kadhim Abdul Wahab Hassan Al-Asadi,Mohammed Wheed Hassan
    2022; Volume -12 , Issue -3 : Page: 2379-2393

  225. Product Development and Creating Community Identity Tourism Program of Khuan Kreng Swamp Community, Cha-uat District, Nakhon Si Thammarat Province
    Patcharee Sumethokul
    2022; Volume -12 , Issue -3 : Page: 2394-2404

  226. Outcome-Oriented Online Instructional Management Model for Tourism and Hospitality Industry Students in Higher Education
    Aunkrisa Sangchumnong,Suriya Somchan,Krit Phanpanya,Piyaphong Supanyo
    2022; Volume -12 , Issue -3 : Page: 2405-2417

  227. The Effect of Using Blended Learning on Students’ Achievement and Motivation toward Learning during the COVID-19 Pandemic
    Rula Hamdi Sabban,Muhannad Al-Shboul
    2022; Volume -12 , Issue -3 : Page: 2418-2433

  228. Racial Segregation in Debbie Tucker Green’s “Random”
    Nidhal M. Mohammed,Nabaa Jawad Kadhim
    2022; Volume -12 , Issue -3 : Page: 2434-2442

  229. The Poetic Image in the Poetry of Abd Al-Hussain Al-Janabi Book of (Min Sifr Al-La'at) as a Model
    Hamza Obais Abd AS-Sada,Kadhim Jassim Mansoor
    2022; Volume -12 , Issue -3 : Page: 2443-2455

  230. Terrorism and its Impact on Security and Human Rights
    Nihal Hassan Ibrahim
    2022; Volume -12 , Issue -3 : Page: 2456-2465

  231. Efficiency of Operational Performance and Improvement of Production in The Iraqi Leather Company
    Al-fartoosi Samer Adel,Alobaidi Omar Abdullah,Khalid Sabah Ali
    2022; Volume -12 , Issue -3 : Page: 2466-2473

  232. The Role of the Balanced Scorecard in assessing Sustainable Performance (Case study in Iraqi Agricultural Companies)
    Amal Abdulhussain Kuhait,Fadhel Allah Ahmed Abed Al Habeeb,Hussein Kadhem Abdel-Har
    2022; Volume -12 , Issue -3 : Page: 2474-2484

  233. The Effect of Electronic Training on Organizational Performance: A Survey Study on Pharmaceutical Manufacturing Companies in Syria
    Wassim Abdelwahed,Ayham Mufti
    2022; Volume -12 , Issue -3 : Page: 2485-2502

  234. Impoliteness Strategies of Dark Humour in South Park Series: A Sociopragmatic Study
    Salih Mahdi Adai AlMamoory,Asmaa Amjad Alwan
    2022; Volume -12 , Issue -3 : Page: 2503-2515

  235. Islam and the Mechanisms of the Free and Dignified Life
    Alaa’ Khadim Ibrahim Ashimarri
    2022; Volume -12 , Issue -3 : Page: 2516-2526

  236. The providence and its role in human life according to Nahj alBalaghah
    Mohsen Baqer Mohammad
    2022; Volume -12 , Issue -3 : Page: 2527-2536

  237. Language wording of the press address and its role in soliciting the recipient from the contact person's point of view is a study of a sample of editorial directors of a number of Arabic newspapers
    Jalela Abdulah Kalaf
    2022; Volume -12 , Issue -3 : Page: 2537- 2553

  238. Role of Geographical Tracking by G.P.S Technology in Criminal Evidence
    Ahmed Jabbar Hussein,Hayder Ars Afan
    2022; Volume -12 , Issue -3 : Page: 2554-2559

  239. Knowledge Economy Skills formiddle school Second Grade Female Students
    Hanan Mohammed Hussein,Nagham Hadi Abdel Amir
    2022; Volume -12 , Issue -3 : Page: 2560-2567

  240. The impact of organizational culture on marketing innovation: An analytical study of Choco Mania employees' perspectives
    Alzahraa Sabah Al Chalabi,Rasha Abdulkhaliq abduljabbar,Ibrahim Saleh Hassan
    2022; Volume -12 , Issue -3 : Page: 2568-2587

  241. Interdisciplinary Development in Clinical Linguistics Disorders and Impairments in Phonology of English Language Teaching and Learning at Schools
    Ali Ismael Hama Murad
    2022; Volume -12 , Issue -3 : Page: 2588-2602

  242. Attitudes of teachers and school principals towards employing digital media in education
    Somaia Mahmud Abdel Fattah Samara,Mohannad Ali Sulaiman Al-Shawabkeh
    2022; Volume -12 , Issue -3 : Page: 2603-2614

  243. Gene Cerillo Test Numbers to Measure Mental Ability in University Students Using the Rash model
    Fadhil Saddam Athir,Khalid Jamal Jassim
    2022; Volume -12 , Issue -3 : Page: 2615-2638

  244. The legal system of administrative decentralization in Iraqi law
    Saddam Ali Hadi,Shaima Ibrahim Taha
    2022; Volume -12 , Issue -3 : Page: 2639-2645

  245. Selective State Immunity on The Relationship Between The Icc and The un Security Council
    Salah Hasan Al Shemmari
    2022; Volume -12 , Issue -3 : Page: 2646-2657

  246. Architecture at the Nabataeans A Historical study
    Usama Abdalhassan Aziz,Rana taima Husein Al-safe
    2022; Volume -12 , Issue -3 : Page: 2658-2662

  247. Assessing the Translation of Euphemistic Age terms in the Holy Quran from Arabic to English
    Tasneem Hasan Ahmed,Lubna Riyadh Abduljabbar
    2022; Volume -12 , Issue -3 : Page: 2663-2669

  248. The degree of availability of KFU identity fields in the Master of Education in the early childhood program
    Asma Margeni Hussien Ali,Aida Theeb Mohammad
    2022; Volume -12 , Issue -3 : Page: 2670-2683

  249. Challenges of reforming the Iraqi economy as reflected by the Iraqi electronic press: An analytical study from the entrance of the constructive press
    Ghusoon Hassan Salih,Ahmed Mawlood Alhayali
    2022; Volume -12 , Issue -3 : Page: 2684-2698

  250. Water Projects by Turkey and Iran: The Impacts on the Right of Iraq to Access Equitable Share of Water
    Hiwa Rashid,Asmar Abdul Rahim,Haslinda Mohd Anuar
    2022; Volume -12 , Issue -3 : Page: 2699- 2721.

  251. Effect of the deposit structure in Iraqi banks on bank credit in Iraq for the year (2017-2019(
    Batoul Zaki Latif Ali,Aysar Y . FAHAD
    2022; Volume -12 , Issue -3 : Page: 2722-2734

  252. The Position of Women in the Ancient Adomatu Kingdom
    Anwar Hassan Alwan,Jawad Matar Almosawi
    2022; Volume -12 , Issue -3 : Page: 2735-2743

  253. Measuring Sense of Purpose among University Students
    Ahmed Abbas Fadel1 Ali Turky Nafel,Al-quraishi
    2022; Volume -12 , Issue -3 : Page: 2744-2754

  254. Critical Discourse Analysis of Figurative Language in the poem ''America'' by Dunya Mikhail
    Israa Hatem Selman,Sarab Kahlil
    2022; Volume -12 , Issue -3 : Page: 2755-2764

  255. Analysis Of Training System of Scientific Personnel Based On The Principles Of Innovative Management
    Norov Asror Egamberdiyevich
    2022; Volume -12 , Issue -3 : Page: 2765-2775

  256. The Function Of Universalias In The Translation Of Detective Works
    Kholikova N. Nozima
    2022; Volume -12 , Issue -3 : Page: 2776-2783

  257. The Harmony Of Myth And Reality In The Stories Of Isajan Sultan
    Gulchehra Imomova,Zilola Niyozova
    2022; Volume -12 , Issue -3 : Page: 2784-2792

  258. Place Of Elbek In The Uzbek National Language Development
    Yakub Siddikovich Saidov
    2022; Volume -12 , Issue -3 : Page: 2793-2799

  259. Study Of Ethnonyms in the System of Ethnographic Vocabulary of the Uzbek Language
    Kurbanazarova Nargis Shodiyevna
    2022; Volume -12 , Issue -3 : Page: 2800-2803

  260. Historical Development of The Uzbek National Language Culture
    Jurayev Nabi Narziyevich
    2022; Volume -12 , Issue -3 : Page: 2804-2809

  261. Analysis of Training System of Scientific Personnel Based on the Principles of Innovative Management
    Norov Asror Egamberdiyevich
    2022; Volume -12 , Issue -3 : Page: 2810-2821

  262. The Function of Universalias in the Translation of Detective Works
    Kholikova N. Nozima
    2022; Volume -12 , Issue -3 : Page: 2822-2828

  263. The Harmony of Myth and Reality in the Stories of Isajan Sultan
    Gulchehra Imomova,Zilola Niyozova
    2022; Volume -12 , Issue -3 : Page: 2829-2837

  264. Place of Elbek in the Uzbek National Language Development
    Yakub Siddikovich Saidov
    2022; Volume -12 , Issue -3 : Page: 2838-2844

  265. Determination of the Probability of the Manufacturing Industry Listed on the Indonesian Sharia Stock Index with Exchange Rate as A Moderation Variable
    Soeharjoto,Debbie Aryani Tribudhi,Nirdukita Ratnawati,Husna Leila Yusran,Lalu Masyhudi
    2022; Volume -12 , Issue -3 : Page: 2845-2856

  266. The Existence of Polri Regulation Number 15 Of 2013 in Realizing Polri Precision Concept
    S. Andi Sutrasno,Arie Purnomosidi,Rizki Amalia
    2022; Volume -12 , Issue -3 : Page: 2857-2867

  267. Factors Influencing the Adoption and Impact of Online Social Networks Use among Students within Public Universities in Abu Dhabi
    Ahmed Saeed Awadh Ali Alrashdi, Nurul Zarirah Binti Nizam
    2022; Volume -12 , Issue -3 : Page: 2875-2895

  268. The Effect of Risk Management on the Performance of Construction Companies in the United Arab Emirates
    Amany Mohamed Gamea Ali Al, Mohd Rayme Bin Anang Masuri
    2022; Volume -12 , Issue -3 : Page: 2896-2909

  269. Enterprise Risk Management Practices Model for Hospital Performance in UAE
    Fatima Mohamed Hussain Rahmatalla Almaazmi, Ruzaidi Zamri, Nik Mohd Farid
    2022; Volume -12 , Issue -3 : Page: 2925-2939

  270. The jurisdiction of the Federal Supreme Court to interpret the provisions of the law (comparative study)
    Musadaq Adel Talib
    2022; Volume -12 , Issue -3 : Page: 2940-2964

  271. Asset Management in Gorontalo Province Government
    Iwan Lakoro, Asna Aneta, Rauf Hatu, Yanti Aneta
    2022; Volume -12 , Issue -3 : Page: 2965-2972

  272. The Behavior of the Provincial Regional People's Representative Council (Dprd) in Carrying Out Legislative Functions in Southeast Sulawesi Province
    Saprudin, Akmal Ibrahim, Badu Ahmad, Muhammad Yunus
    2022; Volume -12 , Issue -3 : Page: 2973-2981

  273. Predictors of Customers Satisfaction at Petrol Stations in Malaysia
    Aaron Patrick Xavier, Wong Chee Hoo, Arasu Raman, Yip Foon Yee Ah Huai Ah Chan
    2022; Volume -12 , Issue -3 : Page: 2993-3011

  274. Consumers’ Perceptions of Social Media Influencers and It’s Influence on Purchase Intention of Malaysian
    Tan Jing Kai Wong Chee Hoo, Lim Shi Qi Darren Tan Chee Zhe, Lian Yong Peng Chong Yee Foong
    2022; Volume -12 , Issue -3 : Page: 3012-3020

  275. Factor affecting consumer’s online shopping for medical nutrition in Sri Lanka
    Lydia Karnadi, Toong Hai Sam, Esabella Marchelene L.S, Febriana Bolang, Tjong Budisantoso, Asokan Vasudevan, Xue Ruiteng
    2022; Volume -12 , Issue -3 : Page: 3021-3042

  276. The Effect of Job Transfer on Employee Satisfaction: A Study of Hospital Paramedic Staff
    Ishrat Shaheen, Parvez Ah. Mir
    2022; Volume -12 , Issue -3 : Page: 3043-3044

  277. Innovation of Learning Arabic Calligraphy Digital Quran in The Cryan World
    2022; Volume -12 , Issue -3 : Page: 3056-3085

  278. Significance of Strategic Planning and Implementation for An Organizational Profitability
    Teeraporn Tongkachok, Mohammad Salameh Almahairah, Melanie Lourens, Mohammad Chand Jamali
    2022; Volume -12 , Issue -3 : Page: 3086-3094

  279. Digital Learning Technology Adoption of University Students: A Structural Equation Modeling
    Glenn S. Cabacang, B. Igbuhay, DBA
    2022; Volume -12 , Issue -3 : Page: 3095-3113

  280. The Evolution of Science Education: You Don't Know? YouTube It
    Jose M. Barlis, Josefin D. Fajardo, Benjie M. Manila
    2022; Volume -12 , Issue -3 : Page: 3114-3124

  281. Student’s Onlie Learning Satisfaction and Social Factor Predictors Using Structural Equation
    Liza B. Igbuhay
    2022; Volume -12 , Issue -3 : Page: 3125-3137

  282. Assessment of Teachers and Students on Instructional Materials for Reading: Basis on the Developed Reading Strategy
    Jackson Jake U. Llames
    2022; Volume -12 , Issue -3 : Page: 3138-3155

  283. Modelling the Self-Efficacy of Online Learning among Filipino Adults
    Glenn S. Cabacang
    2022; Volume -12 , Issue -3 : Page: 3156-3169

  284. Me and My Fitness During CoViD-19 Pandemic: Anthropometric, Physical Activity, and Wellness Lifestyle Habits of Collegiate Students
    Rhene A. Camarador, Lualhati A. Dela Cruz, Sheryll S. Serrano, Sharmaine P. Banadera
    2022; Volume -12 , Issue -3 : Page: 3170-3184

  285. Knowledge Management Practices and Organizational Innovation Performance of IT Employees among Selected Business Firms: A Structural Equation Modeling
    Glenn S. Cabacang
    2022; Volume -12 , Issue -3 : Page: 3185-3197

  286. A Real-Time Experiment to See How Resilient Online Shoppers are in The Face of a Pandemic Before, During, and After A COVID-19 Shutdown
    Glenn S. Cabacang,
    2022; Volume -12 , Issue -3 : Page: 3198-3219

  287. Laws and the Premature Impact of Election Campaign Towards Chaos in Cyberspace in the Millennial Generation
    Wagianto, Irma Rachmawati Maruf, Tamaulina Br Sembiring, Marjan Miharja, Endang Fatmawati
    2022; Volume -12 , Issue -3 : Page: 3220-3228

  288. Corruption Degrades the Government Ethics
    Abdul Nadjib, Oemar Madri Bafadhal, Abdul Halim
    2022; Volume -12 , Issue -3 : Page: 3229-3240

  289. The Cultural Tourism of Bakar Tongkang as National Tourism Event in Indonesia: Strategy and Economic Impact
    Yanti Mayasari Ginting, Helly Aroza Siregar, Silvia Sari Sitompul
    2022; Volume -12 , Issue -3 : Page: 3241-3255

  290. Poverty-Based Service Policy Local Independence of the People of South Sulawesi, Indonesia
    Rasidin Calundu M Kes, Kamaruddin Hasan M
    2022; Volume -12 , Issue -3 : Page: 3256-3267

  291. Adaptation Guidelines of the Business Sector to Accommodate the New Normal
    Somchai Kitiporn, Thanin Silpcharu, Sunee Wattanakomol
    2022; Volume -12 , Issue -3 : Page: 3279-3293

  292. Analyzing the Presence of NATO in the Middle East
    Majid Abbasi, Majid Reza Momeni, Ellias Aghili Dehnavi
    2022; Volume -12 , Issue -3 : Page: 3294-3310

  293. Practices in Accordance with Sufficiency Economy Philosophy by Teachers and School Administrators under Saraburi Educational Service Area Office
    Apison Pachanavon
    2022; Volume -12 , Issue -3 : Page: 3311-3318

  294. Innovative Design Strategy of Lamps in Zhongshan Guzhen Based on Consumers' Emotional Needs
    Simin Cao, Palphol Rodloytuk, Weiguang Wu
    2022; Volume -12 , Issue -3 : Page: 3319-3329

  295. Basic competences of successful readers
    Edita Haxhijaha
    2022; Volume -12 , Issue -3 : Page: 3330-3343

  296. Empirical Study Of Social Economic Impact On Job Satisfaction Of Islamic Bank
    Binoy Chowdhury, Rasheedul Haque, Abdul Rahman bin S Senathirajah, Saif Ahmed, Saif Ahmed
    2022; Volume -12 , Issue -3 : Page: 3344-3361

  297. Changes in the English Language from Synthetic to Analytic: An Argumentative Approach
    Kadri Krasniqi, Fatmir Ramadani
    2022; Volume -12 , Issue -3 : Page: 3362-3368

  298. The decorative experience of Chen Zhifo's artistic creation
    Chi Zhang, Jaipak Burapajana, Yan Zhang
    2022; Volume -12 , Issue -3 : Page: 3369-3376

  299. Expressing children’s emotions through drawing
    Edita Haxhijaha
    2022; Volume -12 , Issue -3 : Page: 3377-3392

  300. The adaptation dynamic of faith-based traditions to ritual dance for improving the quality of mental health: A case study of Kwan performances
    Naruebodin Saleepun
    2022; Volume -12 , Issue -3 : Page: 3393-3403

  301. Mindfulness and mood A case research of Lin Fengsu's art
    2022; Volume -12 , Issue -3 : Page: 3404-3419

  302. The Effect of Inquiry-Based Concept Cartoon on Biology Conceptual Understanding
    Sukanya Nutaro,Supaporn Porntrai
    2022; Volume -12 , Issue -3 : Page: 3420-3432

  303. Life Balance During Doctoral Studies: Alumni Perspectives in Educational Administration
    Dowroong Watcharinrat,Thitikorn Ajasamit,Kunwadee Vimalin,Kitiya Kaoean,Eakasit Piyasangtong,Tiwa Meerat,Wichuda,Chudarat Watcharinrat,Luckana Parnichsan.
    2022; Volume -12 , Issue -3 : Page: 3433-3442

  304. Quality Assurance Model for Family Education
    Archanwit Choomponpongsak,Piyatida Panya,Paisarn Worakham.
    2022; Volume -12 , Issue -3 : Page: 3443-3450

  305. Guidelines to Create Opportunities for Upgrading of the Original Equipment Manufacturer to the Original Brand Manufacturer
    Nutthapon Jitprapai,Jusana Techakana,Sunee Wattanakomol.
    2022; Volume -12 , Issue -3 : Page: 3451-3468

  306. On the Interest of Freehand Brushwork of Jingdezhen Blue and White Porcelain (decoration) in the 17th Century
    Zhang Wei,Jaipak Burapajana
    2022; Volume -12 , Issue -3 : Page: 3469-3486

  307. Guidelines for promoting digital financial transactions in the industrial sector
    Yaowaluk Noinuay,Jusana Techakana,Sunee Wattanakomol.
    2022; Volume -12 , Issue -3 : Page: 3487-3500

  308. Artistic Methodologies Analysis of Chinese Comprehensive Material Painting
    Yue Zhang,Jaipak Burapajana
    2022; Volume -12 , Issue -3 : Page: 3501-3511

  309. The Correlation Between Native Texting and Gender among Saudi Arabian WhatsApp Users; an Exploratory Discourse Analysis
    Hatim Masoudi
    2022; Volume -12 , Issue -3 : Page: 3512-3521

  310. Reconciling the Sovereignty, the State and Non- Expropriation
    Bahija Ferdous,Hail Shakir Saleh Al Bakri.
    2022; Volume -12 , Issue -3 : Page: 3522-3531

  311. Memory, Life Stories in Social Transformation Young Victims of the Armed Conflict in Colombia: The Modalities of Violence
    Liliana Paola Muñoz Gómez,Liliana Gallo Consuegra,Juan David Giraldo Rojas.
    2022; Volume -12 , Issue -3 : Page: 3532-3549

  312. Teacher Mentoring: A Comprehensive Support Strategy for The Achievement of Educational Equity
    Velia del C. Romero Torrejón
    2022; Volume -12 , Issue -3 : Page: 3550-3570

  313. Emotional Intelligence and the Professional Capacity of Teachers in Rural Educational Institutions
    Hermitaño Cuenca Rayda Elizabeth,,Carlos Alberto Villafuerte Alvarez
    2022; Volume -12 , Issue -3 : Page: 3571-3582

  314. Wellbeing and Aging in Older Adults in Ecuador: A grounded Theory Approach
    Cinthya Isabel Game Varas,Nancy Ivonne Wong Laborde,Rafael Pulido Moyano,Carmen Paola Padilla-Lozano,Danny Xavier Arévalo-Avecillas,Carlos Rubén Aroca Jácome
    2022; Volume -12 , Issue -3 : Page: 3583-3596

  315. Investigating Different Factors Impacting Employee Performance in Irish Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises
    Ibrahim Mahmoud Ibrahim ,Ahmed Muayad Younus,Mohammad Said Ibrahim Alshuaibi,Muslim Najeeb Zaidan,Mohanad S. S. abumandil
    2022; Volume -12 , Issue -3 : Page: 3597-3607

  316. Discussion on the Space Decorative Art Features of Dacheng Hall in Hunan Confucian Temple
    Hao Wan,Manoon Tho-ard
    2022; Volume -12 , Issue -3 : Page: 3608-3621

  317. Factors Affecting Teachers' Subjective Expectations from Continuous Professional Development
    Ibragimov Alamjon Amrilloevich
    2022; Volume -12 , Issue -3 : Page: 3622-3630

  318. Linguaculturological Features of Military Terms
    Kurganov Anvar Mukhtorovich,Tojiboev Muzaffar Turdiboevich
    2022; Volume -12 , Issue -3 : Page: 3631-3638

  319. The Effect of Political Communication on Community Participation in Village Development Planning
    Mohammad Ali Syamsuddin Amin
    2022; Volume -12 , Issue -3 : Page: 3639-3653

  320. Instructional Design According to Strategies for Improving Remembering and Its Impact on Achievement and Analytical Thinking of Second-Grade Students in The Intermediate School in Social Sciences Lesson
    Muhammad Hamid Mahdi Al-Masoudi,Saif Hamid Sarhan Kazim
    2022; Volume -12 , Issue -3 : Page: 3654-3675

  321. Morphometric Analysis and Flash Floods Assessment as A Tool for Rainwater-Harvesting and Runoff Hazard Management in Asir Region, Saudi Arabia
    Mena Elassal
    2022; Volume -12 , Issue -3 : Page: 3676-3705

  322. A Look At The Human Development Bond And The Condition Of Poverty: Case Of Chimborazo Province, Ecuador B
    Martha Lucia Romero Flores,Gabith Miriam Quispe Fernandez
    2022; Volume -12 , Issue -3 : Page: 3706-3718

  323. Importance Of Mathematical Skills In Education
    Edwin Arturo Chuchón Luque,Yovana Acuña Quirova ,Edward Huaman Hinostroza,Flor Vicky Ramírez Huamán
    2022; Volume -12 , Issue -3 : Page: 3719-3731

  324. The Change of Adultery Accusation to Continuous Dispute in The Gorontalo Religious Court, Indonesia
    Titin Samsudin,Zulkarnain Suleman,Zumiyati Sanu Ibrahim,Dedi Sumanto,Yowan Tamu
    2022; Volume -12 , Issue -3 : Page: 3732-3742

  325. Youth Policy in Uzbekistan (For the Example of 2016-2022)
    Jamshid K. Yusubov,Matlyuba M. Qaxxarova,Avaz A. Djuraev,Gulbakhor T. Isanova,Nigora A. Djuraeva
    2022; Volume -12 , Issue -3 : Page: 3743-3752

  326. The Role of Modern Technologies in the Organization of History Lessons
    Rakhbar E. Kholikova,Alisher,Madina A. Rasulova O. Esanov,
    2022; Volume -12 , Issue -3 : Page: 3753-3761

  327. The Role of Central Asian Scholars in Modern Education
    Jaloliddin K. Yusubov, Erkin H. Bobomurodov, Raushana K. Kurbaniyazova, Umrbek Sh. Khadjiev, Shakhlo B. Samanova
    2022; Volume -12 , Issue -3 : Page: 3762-3769

  328. Improving the Safety of Working Conditions for Teachers and Employees of Higher Education Institutions
    Ravshan Z. Okhunov, Rano P. Rustamova, Marguba I. Rasulova, Arofat M. Ismailova, Nigora A. Parmanova
    2022; Volume -12 , Issue -3 : Page: 3770-3779

  329. Psychology of Teaching Foreign Languages
    Manzura G. Shamsitdinova, Dildora U. Khashimova, Nasiba Niyazova, Khalida Avilova
    2022; Volume -12 , Issue -3 : Page: 3780-3786

  330. The Concept of the Perfect Man in the Interpretation of Navoi
    Sh. Agzamkhojaeva, D. Ortikova, G. Masharipova
    2022; Volume -12 , Issue -3 : Page: 3796-3809

  331. Model Of Social Stratification of The Uzbek Society (The End of The Xix Century - The End of the 30s Of the Xx Century)
    Nadira Makhkamova
    2022; Volume -12 , Issue -3 : Page: 3810-3826

  332. Merits of Scientists and Thinkers of the Eastern Renaissance in the Progress of Science
    R. KhasanovG, Masharipova, G. Masharipova, M. Umarova, B. Marufbayev, G. Pirnazarov
    2022; Volume -12 , Issue -3 : Page: 3827-3840

  333. Conditions, Situation And Human Conflict In Korean And Uzbek Novels
    Umida T. Saydazimova
    2022; Volume -12 , Issue -3 : Page: 3841-3848

  334. Fathers Matter: Peculiarities of Parenting Adolescents in Complete and Incomplete Families in Tashkent (Uzbekistan)
    A.S. Turakulova, T. R. Khabiev, G. Sharafutdinova
    2022; Volume -12 , Issue -3 : Page: 3849-3862

  335. Texnologiya Darslari Jarayonida O‘Quvchilarning O‘Z-O‘Zini Rivojlantirish Kompetensiyalarini Takomillashtirish Texnologiyasi
    S.S.Igamov O'zbekiston
    2022; Volume -12 , Issue -3 : Page: 3863-3867

  336. Scientific Directions And Stages Of Development Of Navoi And Folklore
    Rajabova Marifat Bakoevna, Safarova Hilola Okhunjonovna,V
    2022; Volume -12 , Issue -3 : Page: 3868-3876

  337. Factors Affecting Teachers' Subjective Expectations from Continuous Professional Development
    Ibragimov Alamjon Amrilloevich,
    2022; Volume -12 , Issue -3 : Page: 3877-3884

  338. The Effect of MSMEs Go-Online and Knowledge-Based Dynamic Capability towards MSMEs Resilience during COVID-19 Pandemic in Indonesia
    Burhanudin, Marko S. HERMAWAN, Nurianna THOHA
    2022; Volume -12 , Issue -3 : Page: 3885-3906

  339. Developing Learner Autonomy in EFL Academic Classes
    Asma Dabiri, Sara Kashefian-Naeeini, Seyyed Ali Hosseini, Ramlee Mustapha
    2022; Volume -12 , Issue -3 : Page: 3907-3922

  340. The impact of the international institutions policies and the reform programs on the FDI inflow in Africa
    Mahmoud Abdelrehim, Mohamed Hisham Dato Haji.Yahya
    2022; Volume -12 , Issue -3 : Page: 3923-3939

  341. Environmental Law Knowledge Affecting to Environmental Policy Formulation
    Sapphasit Kaewhao
    2022; Volume -12 , Issue -3 : Page: 3940-3949

  342. Risk Mitigation Analysis of Bali Cattle Smallholder Farming Using House of Risk Approach
    Putra Astaman, Ahmad Ramadhan Siregar, Musran Munizu, Hastang
    2022; Volume -12 , Issue -3 : Page: 3950-3962

  343. Constitutional Protections for Higher Education Institutions in the Jordanian Constitution: A Comparative Study
    Abdulwahab Abdullah Ahmed Al-Maamari, Shatha Ahmad Al
    2022; Volume -12 , Issue -3 : Page: 3963-3978

  344. Development of a Radio Broadcasting Model to Promote the Propagation of Buddhism in Nakhon Ratchasima Province
    Achiraya Supadej,Phanat Phothibat
    2022; Volume -12 , Issue -3 : Page: 3979-3990

  345. Development of the Model for Television Programs to Promote Local Identity of the Northeastern Region of Thailand
    Pratana Dejprasertsri, Phanat Phothibat
    2022; Volume -12 , Issue -3 : Page: 3991-4006

  346. Research on the Application of Value-Added Objective Management of Industrial Chain in Agricultural Enterprises
    Lei Chaofan, Liang Ruihua, Zunirah Mohd Talib, Brian Sheng-Xian Teo
    2022; Volume -12 , Issue -3 : Page: 4007-4016

  347. The Impact of Public Debt on Some Macroeconomic Indicators in Iraq: An Analysis Study for the Period 2004-2019
    Farhan Mohammed Hasan
    2022; Volume -12 , Issue -3 : Page: 4017-4028

  348. Econometric Modeling of Production Infrastrastructures' Effects on The Industrial Network In The Navoi Region
    Baqoev Husan Nuriddinovich, Tashimov Shahzodjon Burkhon ogli
    2022; Volume -12 , Issue -3 : Page: 4029-4041

  349. Model Implementation Of Indonesian Sea Toll Service Policy In Supporting Regional Economic Growth, Reducing Disparity Of Prices, And Improving Community Welfare In East Nusa Tenggara Province
    Frans Gana, Fredrik L. Benu,Petrus E. de Rosari,Fadly Afand Djafar
    2022; Volume -12 , Issue -3 : Page: 4042-4051

  350. The role of education and training in the social economic development of the Southeast region
    Nguyen Phuoc Trong,Dinh Thi Huyen
    2022; Volume -12 , Issue -3 : Page: 4052-4060

  351. Tourism Crisis Caused By Covid-19 And Policy Responses In Vietnam
    Ho Nhu Ngoc,Shida Irwana Omar
    2022; Volume -12 , Issue -3 : Page: 4061-4071

  352. Development Of the Institute of Mediation in The Countries of The Commonwealth of Independent States
    Sergey A. Rubanov,Ivan N. Kuksin,Anna A. Mikhailik,Ruslan N,Vasilij A. Zajcev. Shalajkin,
    2022; Volume -12 , Issue -3 : Page: 4072-4078

  353. Implementation Of Family Development Policy (Case Study of West Java Province Regulation Number 9 2014)
    Diah Nurwitasari,Utang Suwaryo,Mudiyati Rahmatunnisa,Binahayati Rusyidi
    2022; Volume -12 , Issue -3 : Page: 4079-4089

  354. Mediating The Effect Of Attitude On The Relationship Between Religiosity And Women's Entrepreneurship Interest
    Irna Meutia Sari,Asmuni,Sugianto
    2022; Volume -12 , Issue -3 : Page: 4090-4100

  355. Integration of Muslim Professional Religious Financial Planning Through Islamic Financial Institutions in Indonesia
    Darwis Harahap,Sugianto,Yusrizal,Siska Yuli Anita
    2022; Volume -12 , Issue -3 : Page: 4101-4116

  356. Research On the Influence of Information Ecological Imbalance on Elderly User’s Use sBehavior of G2C E-Government
    Ying-Xue Zhang,Chih-Hong Chen
    2022; Volume -12 , Issue -3 : Page: 4117-4136

  357. Digital Twins of Physical Objects and Their Role in The Modern Industrial Revolution
    Dmitry Yurievich Domnichev,Anastasia Vasilyeva,Ludmila Viacheslavovna Goloshchapova,Sergey Nikolaevich Kosnikov,Tatiana Sergeevna Romanishina
    2022; Volume -12 , Issue -3 : Page: 4137-4146

  358. Assessment Of Technologies for Coordinating the Process of SelfEducation by Students of Economic Faculties
    Ksenia Igorevna Sergeeva,Natalia Alekseevna Prodanova,Dmitry Yurievich Domnichev,Anna Alekseevna Makhova,Roman Viktorovich Оsin,Natalya Yurievna Korneeva
    2022; Volume -12 , Issue -3 : Page: 4147-4153

  359. Multicultural Education Model Based on the Java Family: Three Typologies of Social Development
    Muhammad Turhan Yani,Indah Prabawati,Bambang Sigit Widodo,Ali Imron,Mohammad Reevany Bustami
    2022; Volume -12 , Issue -3 : Page: 4154-4164

  360. New Paradigm of Civil Servant Corporate University in Indonesia
    Maswanto,Gofur Ahmad,Fadhilah Izhari,Andriyani
    2022; Volume -12 , Issue -3 : Page: 4165-4175

  361. The Influence of E-Learning, The Role of Parents and Independence on Students' Self-Confidence in Pandemic
    Rahmi Hermawati,Rima Handayani,Eni Puji Astuti
    2022; Volume -12 , Issue -3 : Page: 4176-4186

  362. Development Of Mobile Learning-Based Bilingual Training Materials with The Use of Book Creators for Sidi Catechization Teachers
    Maringan Sinambela,Grecetinovitria M. Butar-Butar,Tiffany Tamba,Rawatri Sitanggang,John Nathanael Situmorang
    2022; Volume -12 , Issue -3 : Page: 4187- 4193

  363. Parenting Class as a Development of a Collaborative Model in Physical Education
    Slamet Santoso, Tandiyo Rahayu,Tjetjep Rohendi Rohidi,Mugiyo Hartono,Bangkit Seandi Taroreh,Joko Sulistyono
    2022; Volume -12 , Issue -3 : Page: 4194-4205

  364. A Serial Mediation Model for Sustainable Leadership Styles
    Heng Sze Phing,Gunasegaran Karuppannan,Heng Sze Phing
    2022; Volume -12 , Issue -3 : Page: 4206-4218

  365. Protecting Literature under Copyright Law in India: Opportunities and Challenges
    Namrata Luhar
    2022; Volume -12 , Issue -3 : Page: 4219-4229

  366. Problems Faced by Primary School Teachers in Assam: with Special Reference to Nalbari District
    Rahul Kalita
    2022; Volume -12 , Issue -3 : Page: 4230-4239

  367. A Study to Measure the Attitude and Perception of Youth towards StartUps, Entrepreneurship and Self-Employment in Raipur City
    Sapna Sharma , Shilpa Kumari Rajak , Malvika Tiwari
    2022; Volume -12 , Issue -3 : Page: 4240-4248

  368. Encapsulating Man-Environment Relationship from the Perspective of Religious Structure: A Study along the Left Bank of River Matla in the Indian Sundarbans, West Bengal
    Abhik Dasgupta
    2022; Volume -12 , Issue -3 : Page: 4249-4265

    Inderjeet Kaur , Sadhna Trivedi , V.V.B.Singh ,Kaneez Fatima
    2022; Volume -12 , Issue -3 : Page: 4266 -4277

    2022; Volume -12 , Issue -3 : Page: 4278-4297

    2022; Volume -12 , Issue -3 : Page: 4298-4309

    2022; Volume -12 , Issue -3 : Page: 4310 -4319

    Jaipal Reddy Padamati , Laxmi Sarat Chandra Nunnaguppala, Karthik Kumar Sayyaparaju
    2022; Volume -12 , Issue -3 : Page: 4320-4330

  374. Sky is the Limit: Examining the Evolution of Indo-Israel Defence Relations
    Zahoor Ahmad Dar
    2022; Volume -12 , Issue -3 : Page: 4331 -4341

  375. Exploring the Implication of the NEP 2020 on Fostering Creativity, Innovation and Entrepreneurship within Commerce and Management Education
    Dr. Shrutikeerti Kaushal, Dr. Neera Pal , Mr. Manish Kumar Verma
    2022; Volume -12 , Issue -3 : Page: 4342-4350